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7 Foods to Help to Burn Calories

Karen Scobie

  1. Vegetables that take more calories to digest than they have in Calories - Brussel Sprouts, Broccoli, Cabbage, Kale Carrots, Celery cucumber, onions, leek, apples and Strawberries. For example: Brussel Sprouts – 75K/cal to digest., 
  2. Go Nuts - Walnuts and Almonds, rich in B6, potassium, magnesium and copper and Antioxidants – Vitamin E and Selenium. Cholesterol Free, Snacking on these regularly as part of your health plan may help reduce cholesterol and also help liver detoxification along, as well as being a good source of energy.
  3. Lentils and Quinoa – no fat, great source of vegetable protein that slowly releases energy into the body and help us feel fuller for longer therefore helping with cravings.
  4. Cinnamon – prevents post meal insulin spikes. A ¼ teaspoon per day of organic cinnamon can help us lower blood sugars, cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  5. Beans – promote weight loss. Soluble fibre binds to carbohydrate and slows digestion therefore the conversion of sugars into the blood stream. Fibre is crucial for controlling obesity. Beans help decrease calorie intake due to the amount of energy it takes to break down the fibres. They also stablise blood sugar levels and help keep you fuller for longer. If beans give you wind or bloating use seaweed when cooking them and this aids the breakdown. If you eat meals of only 5.4% resistant starch (Beans), the rate the body burns fat is increased by an amazing 23% for a full 24 hours.
  6. Fennel Tea - Vitamin K, C and B and Magnesium. It is an apetite suppressant and metabolisim booster, staves of cravings and boosts fuel burning.
  7. Green Tea - Pre workout could improve your endurance by 24% allowing you to exercise for longer. It can aid weight loss as part of a health plan with exercise. It encourages middle weight loss. Max 3 cups per day.